Matthew Godley
Interior Design
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Country Life July 2005 \ Homes & Gardens \ Matchbox Magazine, April 2010
Country Life July 2005
Rebuilt in the mid 1950's by Raymond Erith, Morley Hall, Herefordshire, has recently been modernised and redecorated.  by JEREMY MUSSON

At first sight Morley hall might be taken as a plain, late-18th or early-19th century farmhouse. But on the approach, one is immediately struck by both the unusual austerity of the entrance front, notably in the spare spacing of the windows, and the sophisticated quality of the door case, so evidently drawn from a Classical or Palladian source.  The striking colour, recently applied on the recommendation of designer Matthew Godley, who advised on the interiors, has successfully recaptured in a new paint the general effect of the original limewash, which had been painted over some time ago.

Simplicity of plan in the new house and the additional utility of the serviced rooms and bedrooms retained from the old house were well matched.  Morley hall is a reasonably sized and elegant but not over decorated smaller country house.  Despite its Italian borrowings, it remains a kind of Englishman